The Hazlehurst Centre: Help is available 24 hours a day. In Leeds, our local SARC is information about how to book an appointment and what to expect when you are there.

GP Services: you may want to consider accessing medical services from your local GP, including Leeds Student Medical Practice.

SARSVL: Support After Rape and Sexual Violence Leeds is a Rape Crisis Centre that supports women and girls who have experienced sexual violence at any time of their life. They are trans-inclusive service that provides information, advocacy and counselling.

Shantona: Shantona's ISVA service provides specialist free and confidential support to girls and young women age 13 to 25, from culturally diverse communities.

Galop: the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity supports LGBT+ victims/survivors of sexual abuse and violence. Their helpline is available Monday - Friday by calling 0800 999 5428, emailing or via webchat. More information on their helpline including opening hours is available on their website.

Basis Yorkshire: provides safety, information and support to women and young people.

Survivors UK: is a national charity that support male victims of sexual assault or abuse. Locally, victims/survivors can access support from Survivors West Yorkshire and Ben's Place.

Sexual Health Support: if you're worried about Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), HIV or pregnancy, you can access testing/screening and contraception from MESMAC. There is also information in relation to group support.

Women's Night Safe Space:  a non-judgemental safe bus for women to seek refuge, support and advice in the city centre at night time. Support includes: mobile phone charging facilities, water, refreshments and warm drinks, support calling a taxi and somewhere to talk through concerns and be signposted for further support. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened