We are committed to creating a community that is actively supportive and opposes discrimination. We can all play our part to create a space that is free from behaviours such as violence, abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct and all forms of discrimination. 

We recognise that students who have experienced or witnessed something of concern will tell people who they trust. This means you may be in a position where you receive a disclosure, whether you are an academic personal tutor, student support officer, residence life warden or any other role where you speak to and work with students. 

Report and Support Roadshow

A series of sessions are being offered which intends to share with colleagues our new Report and Support site and introduce you to the Harassment and Misconduct Team. Our one-to-one service for students provides a non-judgemental and empowering space for students to explore their options after experience inappropriate behaviours such as violence, abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct and all forms of discrimination. This session will support you to feel confident in the process to follow after receiving a disclosure and the options students may wish to take.

Contact reportandsupport@leeds.ac.uk for more information.

Consultation from Harassment and Misconduct Team

Our shared inbox is open to colleagues who want to ask a question, big or small. Whether you'd like to clarify formal reporting options for students, discuss next steps or refer a student into our service, we can talk about casework hypothetically or anonymously (if necessary). Reach out to us on reportandsupport@leeds.ac.uk or via MS Teams.

Harassment and Misconduct Team Toolkit

Our toolkit, hosted on Sharepoint, has all you need to support students and feel confident in referring to the team.

If you are a staff member and supporting someone 

It is important to be aware of the types of support and resources that are available to help deal with stress and mental health issues and how to access them.

As Managers we need to understand our role and responsibility and be able to recognise and respond appropriately and supportively when someone discloses a traumatic experience or express stress or mental health concerns.  To support this, there is guidance for both staff and managers which pulls together all the existing support options the university has in place and how to access them.  Please have a look at University of Leeds Human Resources Homepage

The Staff Counselling and Psychological Support service also offer Professional Consultations.  These can be a one-off session where you meet with a member of the team to discuss and get support with a situation that you may find has a psychological or interpersonal challenge or component to it.  Leaders and managers can consult to receive support and insight into their situation and their challenges of leading and managing; and may also consult about the support needs of their staff.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened