We are committed to creating a community that is actively supportive and opposes discrimination. We strive to create a space that is free from behaviours such as violence, abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct and all forms of discrimination. All reports are taken very seriously and we are committed to addressing issues that are raised. When you share your experience with us through this website, it is picked up and managed by specific colleagues. 

If you're a student making a disclosure

Anonymous and named disclosure forms that are about a student are managed by the Harassment and Misconduct Team. If the student has provided their contact details and wishes to speak with an adviser, they will be contacted by the team within 1 working day. The Harassment and Misconduct Team will also be responsible for identifying trends and themes from the information provided in all forms within Report and Support.

If you're a staff member making a disclosure

Where staff use the Report and Support site, forms will be picked up by a colleague in HR. If contact details have been provided, HR Managers will be able to discuss your experience with you sensitively and without involving your manager initially. In many cases, however, your manager may need to become involved at a later stage, as this is often necessary to investigate or address issues that are raised. You can find out the details of your local HR Manager on the HR website.

If you're an LUU staff member making a disclosure

Where a member of staff from Leeds University Union use the Report and Support site, forms will be picked up by a colleague in the People Team.

Process Flowcharts 

To support you in understanding what happens after you submit a form on the Report and Support site, we have created two flowcharts which show the different stages within the process.
Report and Support Disclosures.png 274.17 KB

Report and Support Anonymous Disclosures.png 204.45 KB

There are two ways you can tell us what happened